Geographical Information
Located to the southeast of Athens, Naxos has almost a round shape and a 150 km long coastline. The island generally has extremely moderate temperatures, and summers and winters are typically mild. These factors make the soil rich and fertile, thus giving good quality products each year. The uniqueness about this island is that its landscape is varied. Tall mountainous ranges are contrasted by the lush fertile valleys which slope down to form exotic and panoramic white and golden sandy beaches with azure waters enchanting the visitors on the island. Mount Zas has the tallest peak rising 1004 meters above sea level and is a popular destination for hikers, and Mount Koronion reaches 1001 meters. The geography of Naxos is known for its huge coasts located on the western side of island, where beaches are sandy. The western coast is more remote and the coastline is rocky, while the midlands are studded with fertile valleys, unlike other islands. Climate is milder than Athens, as shown: